A letter from a Dirty Jacks Fan
Hey, I left a comment on one of the early blogs regarding DJ's and have been frequenting the sight as often as I can. Anyhow, here's a picture that I found in one of my boxes I'm just now unpacking from college. I believe it's a shot of the last or second to last cast of Dirty Jacks.
L to R from back row:
David Joder, Scott Sieffert, Joani ?, David Turner, Davey Hough, Kathy Stainbrook, Craig Richensen, Cory Curtis
Lisa dyson, Audrey Berger, Ruben Travis, Mark Nowlin, Nina trout
Rocky 'Joe' Quarles, Chuck Maes, Nancy Stainbrook, Lisa Sprague, Heather Stainbrook, Kanton Budge, Amber Goe
M. P. Hanford (on the ground right behind the fabulous…) Tom Dewester.
Best regards,
J Morgan
[Note- Click on the picture for a larger image. And thank you so much Jesse! -Rick]
L to R from back row:
David Joder, Scott Sieffert, Joani ?, David Turner, Davey Hough, Kathy Stainbrook, Craig Richensen, Cory Curtis
Lisa dyson, Audrey Berger, Ruben Travis, Mark Nowlin, Nina trout
Rocky 'Joe' Quarles, Chuck Maes, Nancy Stainbrook, Lisa Sprague, Heather Stainbrook, Kanton Budge, Amber Goe
M. P. Hanford (on the ground right behind the fabulous…) Tom Dewester.
Best regards,
J Morgan
[Note- Click on the picture for a larger image. And thank you so much Jesse! -Rick]