Googling Dirty Jacks

In the Summer of 1988... We ate al fresco in the town that evening at Sweetwaters and went to the 8 PM show at Dirty Jacks Wild West Theatre . It is a fun filled evening of hilarious wild west comedy. It is also very family friendly. At the time we happily attended their performance, they had been performing there for 17 years. Much laughter was heard throughout the comedy skit and we smiled for days thinking about the actors crazy antics on stage. You Grew Up in Jackson If... -If you know the difference between "Jackson" and "Jackson Hole", and laugh at people who don't! -If you know what "KSGT" stands for -If you ever ate at a restaurant called "Topper's" -If you remember what and where Kelly's Alley was, and ditto for Second Station -If you ever took a ski lesson from Pepi and learned the difference between carving and butchering your turns -If you went to the Cutter Races -If you ever hot-walked the polo ponies (that was a Girl Sc...