
Showing posts from February, 2008

For Jon

A note from Kathy Stainbrook: Hey Rick. I wonder if you could do me a favor. Could you put a place on the blog where people can send in their fondest memory of Dirty Jack's or a favorite memory of Jon? Jon is not much here in the present, but if I mention something about those times, he sparkles a bit. If I could tell him a story of someone else's memories and how much Jon meant to them, it would be wonderful for my brother. It would just be nice to relate them to my big Bro, to help him remember the good ol' days. Anymore, the only thing he says to me is "Hey, Kath, will you scratch my back?". So, while I'm scratching his back, I can tell him how much he meant to so many people. This is a wonderful idea. Please, please post your best Jon stories to the comments or send them to me at I'll forward everything to Kathy.

Dirty Jack's is Singin' Again!

Cast of "Gorgeous George at George's Gorge" (Top: Kathy, David, Nancy, Scotty Seifert, Audry Berger, Darrin, Mark Nowlin. Bottom: Linda Gregg, Jill Calloway, Tommy and Rocky) Image courtesy of Kathy Stainbrook Myers. [Post from David Turner] Well my friends, it’s done!!!!! As I’m writing this, it’s late on Friday night, but I am so hyped I can hardly stand it. The Original Cast Recording of “Gorgeous George at George’s Gorge” has been preserved digitally. It’s been a long journey, but at last, it’s done. Before I go any further, I have to say this first: RICK ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The transfer from the DAT to WAV is flawless, and we have Rick to thank for it. He tracked down a local studio that could do the transfer (DAT services are almost impossible to find these days), and after I gave him the tapes Wednesday at lunch, I had the CD in my hands on Friday afternoon. Wow. And I want everyone to know that Rick paid for this. I can’t thank him enough, and I mean that fro...

How to send story links

I know some of you may want to send links to friends via email, but the stories you want to send get pushed down the front page and eventually slide off into the archives as new posts are added. But there is a really cool and easy way to do this. At the bottom of each post there is the authors name (usually "Rick") and right next to that is a time stamp that is underlined as a link. Click on the link to display that post only. You can then copy the URL from the top of your browser and paste it into emails to send to friends.

Pictures from Kathy Stainbrook

Kathy Stainbrook Myers sent me some fantastic pictures from Dirty Jack's, and she promises to send more. Don't tell anybody, but she MAY have a video tape of the 1995 show, 'Gorgeous George at George's Gorge.' We may soon have video clips here at the DJs blog. How cool is that? Nancy as Calamity Jane Tommy and Nancy singing "If I Knew Then What I Know Now" (one of Gretchen's songs) from "Calamity at the Flat Beaver Fault Line" Kathy and Nancy goofing around during rehearsals for Calamity Jane Kathy and Rocky from "Buffalo Bill's Bluff at Bill's Bog"

Jon Stainbrook & Butch - 1976

[Image courtesy of Kathy Stainbrook Myers]

A Letter from Gretchen

[Published with permission] My name is Gretchen (Stainbrook) Givens.... sister of Jon, Kathy, and Nancy. I was blown away recently to discover your incredible Dirty Jack's website. It is so wonderful! I just lost myself in reading all of your stories, reliving you memories, seeing the photos. You really captured the whole aura and spirit of Dirty Jack's in your writing. In fact, Rick, I wanted to compliment you on your writing ability. You are really fantastic... and should think about compiling a book about your summers there. You write so colorfully. Anyway, I wanted to thank you, as a member of the Stainbrook family, for keeping the memory of Jon, and all the Dirty Jack's crew alive. Living in California, I wasn't in the Dirty Jack's plays, although I too was an actor. But I saw every one of the plays, as I visited every summer. I remember so well the Dirty Jack's Band that you were a part of... Doc Holt and his band of renegades. You guys were just terrific...

Lunch with David Turner

Today I had a great lunch with an old friend. David Turner and I met for the first time in nearly 30 years. It was a lot like my dinner awhile back with Tim O’Reilly, whom I had not seen in 32 years. The years fell away almost immediately, and I saw the familiar mannerisms and heard the voice of a friend I’ve thought about a lot (but had no contact with) for three decades. David and I met to swap a set of DAT tapes that have recordings from the 1995 show at Dirty Jack’s Theater, “Gorgeous George at George's Gorge.” The short version of the story is that I will soon have clips of the music here on the blog. David wrote the music for the show, and he is enormously generous to allow me to publish clips. Stay tuned…