For Jon
A note from Kathy Stainbrook: Hey Rick. I wonder if you could do me a favor. Could you put a place on the blog where people can send in their fondest memory of Dirty Jack's or a favorite memory of Jon? Jon is not much here in the present, but if I mention something about those times, he sparkles a bit. If I could tell him a story of someone else's memories and how much Jon meant to them, it would be wonderful for my brother. It would just be nice to relate them to my big Bro, to help him remember the good ol' days. Anymore, the only thing he says to me is "Hey, Kath, will you scratch my back?". So, while I'm scratching his back, I can tell him how much he meant to so many people. This is a wonderful idea. Please, please post your best Jon stories to the comments or send them to me at I'll forward everything to Kathy.